Tag Archives: Thrifting

Babys Suck! And a Busy Week…

This week has been KILLER! I had no idea when I was agreeing to cover for people this week that it was going to be so rough for me. I should have known though. Working 6 ten-hour shifts isn’t going to be easy on the body. Will be great on the money though.
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The Price is Always Right!

At Goodwill! Today I spent most of the day either driving or thrifting. I drove up north to see my “sister” Dezzy, whom I haven’t seen in quite some time. I got to see her new baby boy, too. And for being only 13 days old, he’s pretty plump! A whopping 10 lbs already. Along with visiting my sister, we went to a couple of Goodwill stores. Goodwill is my addiction. I can’t stop thrifting, it’s almost depressing. But hey, I’d rather be addicted to shopping and finding good deals than some of the other things I could be addicted to. Sometimes you find some of the best things at Goodwill, and it’s always way cheaper than going anywhere else. Today was especially nice because since I went so far north to visit Dez, I got to check out some new stores that I haven’t been to before. Exciting stuff, eh? haha

For being 21 and having a day off, I lead such an exciting life, don’t I? But hey, I enjoy the days I have. Each one being better than the last. You just have to stop and take a moment to enjoy the things you have in life and that you’re living each day. Sometimes I forget to take that moment, and that’s when I start to get down. But if you can take a moment, even just a second, to think of all the things you have, it can make life so much better. Too many people these days spend all their time thinking about the next new thing. Something better than what they have. Not only do we have an overpopulation of people, but of random stuff as well. I’m just as bad as the rest, I’m sad to say. But rather than buying new (with the exception of somethings), I always try to thrift. Reuse what others have long since forgotten about. It’s part of how I recycle in my life. Reducing my footprint so that what I leave behind is good and pure, not distorted and tainted.

Well, that’s my rant for today. Didn’t really do much today. May even head to bed soon, feeling pretty tired lately. Night all.

Just a simple girl, in a simple life, with extraordinary dreams :3