Our Journey

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The story of Rainbow Moonchylde

starts long before I ever knew what a “blog” was. Growing up I always loved writing and creating stories. Using my imagination to put words to paper in such a way that would be both entertaining as well as enticing. I didn’t necessarily want to become a writer. I wanted to be able to connect with people while using my writing as well as have complete freedom in what I wrote about.

Rainbow Moonchylde was born partially from that need to write, but also from the need to be able to express myself to others. Even from my first post back in May of 2012, I had no idea what I really wanted from the blog. It was mostly just used as a sort of online journal for me to share with the world.

You were with me when I first got my furry babies, who are the loves of my life.


You also saw me move from my first apartment, to another, and to another.

There have been a few times that I’ve been away from the keyboard for months at a time, and there was also that time I was gone for over a year

I’ve been through so much in just these past few years, and this blog has been there with me through it all. In that first post I mentioned how this blog could be my support, my outlet to help make my life more relaxed. I had no idea how right I would be.

Since I’ve been back, I’ve really been trying to bring this blog into it’s full potential. But not only for myself, but for everyone. This blog started out as my outlet, my way to heal and grow as a person and to really come into my own, as well as learn to accept myself for who I am. Now, I’m hoping to be able to bring that to other people.

There is still such a long way to go until I feel like this blog is anywhere near where I envision it going. The next big step is getting it self hosted and running it the way that I want to run it. Then the real fun begins. But for now, I’m quite content to continue discovering my voice and who I am, all while trying to build more human connections all over the world with people just like me. And like you.


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