Tag Archives: Home

Syringes in My Pocket?

Two days behind, but better late then never, right? Haha In all honestly, I’m just behind, totally behind. I don’t really have anything solid for the news post today either 😦 I’m lame. I’m trying, I really am I swear! I’ve just been way behind this week. My kitchen is a disaster as well.


But hey, how about an update on my week, and a little bit of news to make up for my lack of posts? Just catch two birds with one net? (Because killing birds with stones is mean)

On Sunday, Desirae moved most of her things out of my house. It was a stressful hour with her in my house because she was just so cold and rude the whole time. But it needed to be done. She left her baby stuff for her Aunt to pick up, which got taken care of yesterday (Saturday). So we officially have our spare room back. It’s fantastic. Though we potentially may have another friend of mine moving in sometime in the next month or so, to help out with the bills. Since Ryan’s accident, I’ve been the only one working, and it has not been easy managing all our bills on just my paycheck alone. So having a roommate who ACTUALLY pays the bills will be quite the help. But Ryan and I still need to discuss it and come to a decision. We did JUST get our space back haha

Monday started the first day that we have a college student job shadowing at our clinic. He’ll be there Mondays and Saturdays for the entire summer. So far, I’ve done a  lot to help him out and show him the ropes around the job. It’s been pretty fun. On the flip side of it, he helps out the one doctor we have that no one likes to help haha So it’s been quite the relief for everyone. He’s a really nice guy, really cares for the animals. It’s pretty cool. We’re also getting a new doctor to replace the one who just left. That new doctor should be starting on the 17th. Everyone’s excited to meet him and see how he fits in.

Tuesday I watched a new (to me) movie that I absolutely fell in love with and completely recommend.

Wonderful movie, click the image to see the trailer and official website

Wonderful movie, click the image to see the trailer and official website

The rest of the week was nothing too crazy. Work mostly, which has been slow as far as business so we’ve spent a lot of time doing not much of anything. My job is so rough… haha

But then there’s days like this when a bunch of little puppies come in and it makes the terrible days at work bearable

Not to mention, all the days I come home and find that I’ve brought work home with me. Syringes or needles in my scrub top pockets. Happens all the time haha

Well that’s about all I have to report. As far as news, I don’t really have much to offer this week. Monday was the 63rd Anniversary of the Korean War. So that’s something. But otherwise, I haven’t been on top of the news this week like I should have been. But I’m sure I’ll get better, and soon this blog will be everything I envision it to be. So until next time 🙂


Just a simple girl, in a simple life, with extraordinary dreams :3 ✌

Time to Cut All Ties?

A few months ago, I said good bye to a couple close friends of mine. Which has honestly left my life quite dull… But they were necessary good byes. These were friends that would tear me down for no reason. Put me down rather than build me up (buttercup) like they should. Or friends that I couldn’t trust, whom have lied to me numerous times. Crossing lines.


I’ve since moved apartments and changed jobs. My life, as it seems, has completely changed.
But I can’t say that I’m completely happy with the change. I miss my “friends”, even if they were shit friends. But they were pretty much the only ones I had that still cared enough to at least talk to me. (Which is sad, I know) There just comes a point when you can’t keep putting up with the bull shit if it’s not at least worth it. Of course, there are days now and again when I think that I could put up with it if it meant I got my friends back. I’ve even tried with one of them, but they’ve since hardly responded to me and blew off my attempts at rekindling what friendship we had. So it doesn’t even seem worth it.


I’m just not too sure what to do at this point. I’ve kept somewhat of a tie with one of them, the closest of them. We don’t really talk directly or anything, but the connection is there. And every so often I get reminded why we stopped being friends in the first place. I can’t help but think maybe I should block him. I’ve already done so on Facebook. There’s just one more place left and after that the only tie we would have is through the phone. And I wouldn’t even respond to him unless he decided to get off his high horse and apologize.


Apologize. Something I think is purely impossible from him. And I wish it wasn’t. Because I miss him. I truly do. But I can’t put up with someone who puts me down and doesn’t bother to try to help me up. Good people deserve good friends. I deserve damn good friends…


I don’t really know where I was going with this post. I was just kind of venting my thoughts on this subject.


Work has been getting better. It’s like the girls have all had the realization that I’m still trying my best to learn something I’ve never done and eased up on me. All but one of the girls are talking to me again like we’re good friends. It’s nice. Working ten hours a day in a small, stress filled clinic was just exhausting. But now it’s mostly enjoyable. I drew blood and took/developed x-rays for the first time the other day. It was exciting! Every day is getting better than the last when it comes to work.


Now, the home life… Ugh. It almost seems more exhausting than work. At least when I’m at work, I generally know what I’m supposed to be doing, all day, and get told when I mess up and need to step it up. At home, things have been getting more and more… off. I’m not really sure how. Maybe it’s just my diet and lack of taking birth control that’s been affecting me. I’ve been sloppy with the degree of healthy foods I’ve been eating and not keeping up on it. I haven’t been drinking as much water either. And not pumping myself full of hormones would probably do it too. But I want to be all natural.

I’ve just been… unhappy lately. Ryan’s noticed it for the past two weeks apparently… I had no idea it was noticeable. I feel lonely and bored. Not really sure as of yet what I’m actually going to do about it. But hey, let’s work on my health and see if the rest follows a bit. At least enough to try and get me up on my feet again. Maybe I just need more friends. That might help too.

I feel like I’ve spent most, if not all, of this post just rambling on and on about nothing in particular. But hey, what’s a blog for? 😀

Just a simple girl, in a simple life, with extraordinary dreams :3