Tag Archives: Movies

Childhood Inspirations

Disney & Pixar will always have my heart

TT #3 Disney

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Festivals, Changes, and New Ink

Another Friday, another weekly update! And this week’s been a good one for updates. So let’s just jump right in, shall we?

Sunday, Ryan and I went to the Taste of Tacoma with our good friend Alex and her little girl Lilly. The Taste of Tacoma is a little festival Tacoma throws each year to bring the people of Tacoma together. Lots of food, different vendors with interesting things to sell, they even bring in the Funtastic Carnival for awesome rides! It was a lot of fun, even though we were dying from the heat.

Monday was a not so exciting day at work 😛 But Tuesday, after sleeping in almost all day, I got started on my next tattoo 😀

Would you look at that beauty! I'm very excited with how it turned out. The design is my own, brought to life by the wonderful skills of Al at Class Act Tattoo in Puyallup. I recommend him to everyone.

Would you look at that beauty! I’m very excited with how it turned out. The design is my own, brought to life by the wonderful skills of Al at Class Act Tattoo in Puyallup. I recommend him to everyone.

After my tattoo, Ryan and I headed over to our friend Alex’s to visit with her again and to see her husband Beau whom we haven’t seen in ages because of his work schedule. It was a fun night of nachos and watching the Jungle Book.

The next day, I had a friend of mine, Joe, come over. We’ve been friends for a couple years, but we don’t really hang out very often. But the reason he came to the apartment was so Ryan and I could officially decide if he was to become our next roommate 🙂 Which we decided, he is! After meeting Ryan and checking out the apartment, we all decided that it would be perfect for him to move in. We’re all very excited for this to happen. It will be of great benefit to all of us.

Ryan and I, sitting on a bench at the beach waiting for the show to begin!

As most of you know, yesterday was yet another Independence Day! The 4th of July! The big bang of the year! Our day started off slowly. Slept in till noon, dinked around on the computers for a while. Around 5pm we left and got some Burger King before heading down to the Tacoma Freedom Fair on the waterfront. Another little festival Tacoma put on with food and shop vendors, and bouncy houses for the kids, and live music all along the waterfront. And at 10pm, the big fireworks show starts.

Weeeelllll. We didn’t stay at the freedom fair for too long. After walking up and down the waterfront a couple times and resting for a short break in the grass, we both decided we didn’t want to sit around for another two hours doing nothing but waiting for the show to begin. So we left. Drove around for a bit before ending up at the Point Defiance Park not too far away. Took a little drive around the park and parked down by Owen’s beach. There were other people here, but not nearly as crowded as the waterfront had been. It was a much needed relief. So we walked along the water a short ways before pulling out the blanket and relaxing on a nice little bench and waiting for the big show to start. Because luckily, Owen’s beach isn’t very far from the Tacoma Waterfront, and we should have been able to see the show from there.

But another plot twist arose! The cops came down to the beach and kicked everyone out. Ten minutes before the show started! So we jumped in the car, and I tuned the radio to 98.9 which was the radio station that the fireworks were supposed to be going off in time to. I drove back towards the Tacoma Waterfront just in time to sort of see the show. It wasn’t the same as I was hoping, but at least this year I got to see some fireworks.

Please tell me I'm not the only one who thinks this looks like the Deathstar?!

Please tell me I’m not the only one who thinks this looks like the Deathstar?!

So that’s all for this week! Hope you all had a wonderful and safe 4th! Till next time!

Just a simple girl, in a simple life, with extraordinary dreams ✌

Syringes in My Pocket?

Two days behind, but better late then never, right? Haha In all honestly, I’m just behind, totally behind. I don’t really have anything solid for the news post today either 😦 I’m lame. I’m trying, I really am I swear! I’ve just been way behind this week. My kitchen is a disaster as well.


But hey, how about an update on my week, and a little bit of news to make up for my lack of posts? Just catch two birds with one net? (Because killing birds with stones is mean)

On Sunday, Desirae moved most of her things out of my house. It was a stressful hour with her in my house because she was just so cold and rude the whole time. But it needed to be done. She left her baby stuff for her Aunt to pick up, which got taken care of yesterday (Saturday). So we officially have our spare room back. It’s fantastic. Though we potentially may have another friend of mine moving in sometime in the next month or so, to help out with the bills. Since Ryan’s accident, I’ve been the only one working, and it has not been easy managing all our bills on just my paycheck alone. So having a roommate who ACTUALLY pays the bills will be quite the help. But Ryan and I still need to discuss it and come to a decision. We did JUST get our space back haha

Monday started the first day that we have a college student job shadowing at our clinic. He’ll be there Mondays and Saturdays for the entire summer. So far, I’ve done a  lot to help him out and show him the ropes around the job. It’s been pretty fun. On the flip side of it, he helps out the one doctor we have that no one likes to help haha So it’s been quite the relief for everyone. He’s a really nice guy, really cares for the animals. It’s pretty cool. We’re also getting a new doctor to replace the one who just left. That new doctor should be starting on the 17th. Everyone’s excited to meet him and see how he fits in.

Tuesday I watched a new (to me) movie that I absolutely fell in love with and completely recommend.

Wonderful movie, click the image to see the trailer and official website

Wonderful movie, click the image to see the trailer and official website

The rest of the week was nothing too crazy. Work mostly, which has been slow as far as business so we’ve spent a lot of time doing not much of anything. My job is so rough… haha

But then there’s days like this when a bunch of little puppies come in and it makes the terrible days at work bearable

Not to mention, all the days I come home and find that I’ve brought work home with me. Syringes or needles in my scrub top pockets. Happens all the time haha

Well that’s about all I have to report. As far as news, I don’t really have much to offer this week. Monday was the 63rd Anniversary of the Korean War. So that’s something. But otherwise, I haven’t been on top of the news this week like I should have been. But I’m sure I’ll get better, and soon this blog will be everything I envision it to be. So until next time 🙂


Just a simple girl, in a simple life, with extraordinary dreams :3 ✌

Blessed Samhain and Happy Halloween!

Blessed Samhain and Happy Halloween everyone! Tonight is one of my favorite nights of the entire year! I love Halloween/Samhain. The energy of the night just feels wonderful, and all the happy children hyped up on sugar helps, too. Saturday I got to hand out a bunch of candy to kids at work. The Ridge was having a huge Halloween event for kids to go to all the different businesses to get candy and then meet at the YMCA across the street from the clinic and have a bunch of fun. It was so much fun. We were having a really slow day as far as appointments went, but we had a lot of kids coming in. And they were all so cute! The costumes this year were great. It was a lot of fun.

As for tonight, well it’s not going as well as I had hoped. Ryan and I haven’t really done anything this month to celebrate or enjoy the holiday. We were either too busy or when we were available to go out and have fun, Ryan was sick. Today I have the day off of work, but Ryan doesn’t. We went to visit his mom because Halloween is also her birthday. How cool is that? After that we came home and took a nap. Mine lasted longer than his. When I awoke from my nap, he had already left for work. So I was alone. But what to do? I tried getting some friends to go to the Monster Safari that I had heard about that I’d been wanting to do, but everyone I asked was busy. Sad…

But rather than sit at home all sad, which normally I would have, I decided to leave my pitty party and go visit with my parents. They were staying home and giving out candy to all the kids, but they were dressed up and having a blast. And there was cake! haha Watched a little bit of Zombieland before I had to get going. Now I’m watching The Nightmare Before Christmas with a stiff drink before heading to bed. Can’t have a proper Halloween without that movie. I watch it every year at Halloween and Christmas.

So my day was nothing like what I’d hoped for my favorite day of the year, but that just means we’ve gotta make Christmas that much more amazing. Which it will be. I’m excited.

Life at work has been getting better and better. Everyone is getting along, I’m learning more and more. It’s pretty nice.

Monday night though I was counting my blessings…

Someone had shot at my Uncle David, who lives with his family in Ohio. Now, he may be my uncle, but he’s like a second father to me. And when I heard what had happened, I was scared. Luckily they gave me a call and explained what had happened. It was a very close call. Someone had caught my Uncle off guard and shot at him three times. Luckily, my Uncle has a military background, as well as quite the extensive self defense background, so he wasn’t hurt. But had he turned even slightly more than he had, he’d have taken a bullet in the lung and may not have made it. I felt so blessed that night to still have him and to have been talking to him on the phone. The police there didn’t even take a statement though… Some guy shoots at my Uncle with intent to kill and they don’t take a statement? Wtf… But they are taking all the precautions to protect themselves and their family. My Aunt and Uncle are tough as nails, so I know they’ll be fine. But I was so scared.

Well that’s about all the news I have for now. Most days are the same as the rest. The house is slowly becoming complete. I’ll post new pictures sometime in the coming weeks once everything gets finished up. But it’s all going pretty well. So till next time.

Just a simple girl, in a simple life, with extraordinary dreams :3