Tag Archives: Life

Be Proud of Your Work

Everybody works. A lot.

TT #6 Work

These days, it seems like work is all most people do. Wake up, get ready for work, drive/commute to work, work 8-10 hours, drive/commute home, eat dinner, go to sleep. Working hard at a job you don’t like, to pay for a home that you barely live in, that holds the stuff you don’t really use. Earning just barely enough to make it by paying for all the bills, and barely having enough to fuel your car so you can continue to go to work, and to fuel yourself so you don’t, you know, die from starvation.

I know I for one will work and work until I’m so tired that I just want to quit. A lot of the staff at work has been leaving, which makes my job a bit harder, and more tiresome. There have been plenty of times that I’ve considered quitting as well. Maybe find a job closer to home. Something that pays more.

But why start all over? Start again from the bottom?


I’ve been trying incredibly hard lately to make the best of my life. That includes my work life. It’s not easy by any means. Things at work have been really tense and pretty trying lately. But I’m trying to give it my all.

Today’s Tumblr photo really meant a lot to me when I saw it today. I honestly almost scrolled past it. But when I read it again for a second time, it really clicked.

Put your best foot forward. Always try your best. It’s honestly quite incredible how much you can change in your life just by changing your perspective and your outlook on things. If you go to work every day dreading it, hating how much time you have to spend there, thinking about quitting, disliking the people you work with, well, you’re gonna have a bloody lame time at work. But if you go to work looking forward to the day ahead, being pleasant with everyone, smiling and enjoying the work you do and being proud of it, then work will become so much better and it won’t be so much work to go to work every day.

Personally, it’s really made a huge difference in my day to day. Sure, some days will still get to me. I’m still fighting with my depression. But it’s a daily fight that’s been getting a little easier. Mondays are honestly the worst… haha

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I’ve been trying to motivate myself at work more. And with a lot of the changes that have been happening, it’s really gotten a bit easier. I’ve started back up with my schooling (which I’ve put off for… 5 months or so) and really been trying to get back on the Vet Tech bandwagon. I had the realization that I didn’t want to quit. I didn’t want to quit my job and I didn’t want to quit my schooling. Working with animals is my passion. I wouldn’t be happy at a job where I didn’t get to work with animals. It’s completely renewed my passion for getting my schooling done and becoming a licensed veterinary technician.

Along with all of that, I just want to be happy. And with how much time gets spent at work, then it’s a huge portion of where the focus needs to be spent in trying to improve life.

So get out there! Do your best at work every day, not just what’s enough to get by and earn a paycheck. Go above and beyond what’s expected of you. Be the best employee at whatever job you’re working at. People will see it. You’ll get recognized for it. People will know who you are.

Don’t just work for a paycheck. Earn it. Deserve it. Don’t make money, make a living. Work every day like it’s the first day of the job again. Do your best every day, and every day will do it’s best for you.


Wibbly Wobbly Whimsikal Wolf

Jack of all trades
Master of none

TT # 5 Whimsical
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Sometimes, Life is Tough

Depression is a very real, very painful, thing.

TT #4 Depression
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Childhood Inspirations

Disney & Pixar will always have my heart

TT #3 Disney

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Spring Cleaning!

Spring is here!

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What is Water?

It’s time for Tumblr Tuesday again!

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