Category Archives: Life in Colour

My life in a blogshell

New Beginnings?

I’ve been pondering…

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I’ve been thinking on a decision for a little bit now that I wanted to pose to my readers. The older I get and the more I try to learn about myself, the more I reflect on the things in my life. One of the big things that keeps a lot of my mind and attention is this very blog. Or more importantly, blogging and my life in general.

I’ve come to the realization a few month ago that I didn’t want to work anymore. Not traditionally. I no longer wanted to have to take orders from someone else for hours, days, weeks on end. It was one of the biggest reasons I couldn’t join the military (other than my general dislike for militaries in the first place).

While I respect authority, I have never done well living under another’s rule. I don’t like being told what to do. It started with my dad when I was living at home. He’s the big figure head in the household. He made the rules. And when I finally started thinking for myself and becoming more independent, we started fighting a lot more. Butting heads like rams on a cliff face. Once I moved out, things were great again. This continued with bosses that I’ve had in different jobs. The only times I didn’t have this problem was when my work was dictated by myself. Whenever I was in complete control of my workflow and how things got done.

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While I know that I can’t just quit my job and start living my life as a blogger right away, I can start. I can start to truly make a name for myself. And it starts off small. Like any big dream, you have to plant the seed and nourish it till it grows big and strong. Manifesting into what you’d always imagined.

That’s where this post comes in. I’ve been thinking about starting a whole new blog. A bright new beginning. I want it connected to an Etsy shop that I’m planning on opening, as well as another online store for my photography products that I would like to start selling. I’ve already got the name picked out and a logo in the final drafting phase.

I’m thinking of a fresh start. A clean slate. Rainbow MoonChylde will always be my heart and soul. This is where all these dreams first manifested. This is where I’ve told countless stories about my life, the good and the bad. But I feel like I’ve been outgrowing her.

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I’ve got a bit of time off work coming up very soon that I plan on spending a lot of indoors and working on getting things up and running. I’ll be spending a bit less time here on RMC but I’ll still be here. This will become more of a personal blog, showing updates on my life and on the new blog once it’s up and running. In time, I’ll transition fully to the new space, having a space just for my personal life as well.

I really hope that all of my current readers here on RMC will continue with me to the new site, but I understand if I lose a few. Part of the sacrifice I’ll be making to kick start my dream into a reality. I want all of you to know that it means a lot to me that you’ve been with me through my ups and downs. And I can’t wait to show you the new place. ^_^


Dance Your Heart Out

Going for a walk is incredibly healthy.

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Furry Tails

It’s time for me to come out and say that I’m

Furry and Proud
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Happy Mother’s Day America!

Today in America, it’s Mother’s Day

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Spring Cleaning!

Spring is here!

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The Big Announcement

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Time sure flies… It’s been pretty close to a year since I last made a real post on this blog. Thinking back on all the things that’s happened and all the times I could have made incredible posts, I regret being so disconnected. I’ve spent so much time working and getting caught up in things that didn’t matter that I wasn’t taking the time to do for ME.

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The Great Big Unknown- The Future!

Hey all!Hope everyone is having a fantastic week! I’ve started the long and tiring journey of working a toooon of overtime trying to save up the money to get me to Ireland. Working every time is incredibly tiring but I know it will all be worth it in the end. To finally see my beloved sun and stars, Tom. I’ve never been so excited for an event in my life.
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Cerulean Happiness

104Hey everyone! How is this week treating all of you, my lovely followers? I know it’s only Tuesday, but I’ve been having a great week, and I hope all of you are too! Washington weather is starting to get better and better. It’s not crazy cold anymore, usually staying in the 40-50℉ range. Decent weather indeed! I can finally start leaving the house without a coat and not totally regretting it. I went out today in just a tank top and jeans. What a blessing ^_^ I’m a huge tank top kind of person, not really into t-shirts too much, though I do wear them on occasion. So the warmer weather is greatly appreciated! ☼
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Help Get me to Ireland! ^_^

LoveyHey everyone! I know I just posted, but I wanted to write up another post just for this.

In my last post I introduced you to Mr Tom, my beloved mate of the soul. For those of you who haven’t read that post, Tom here came into my life quite suddenly and unexpectedly. Through the website OkCupid, Tom found my profile and sent me the first of many, many messages. Since then, it’s like I’ve been in a storybook tale.
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It’s Been a While

It’s hard to believe that I haven’t written anything since October. My life seems 044all new, like I’m a whole new person from who I was back then. I’ve come leaps and bounds in the past 6 months. Made some huge progress in who I am. In my life. I’ve had quite the experiences that have helped me to really knuckle down and figure out just who I am, what kind of person I want to be, and where I want my life to take me.
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